She comes basking in all glory and success,having achieved everything in life ,born lucky,forever loved,got what she deserved and even more and there she goes as the alarm goes to snooze mode.
Wearing her over-powered spectacles in her budget outfits she drags herself through journeys everyday with constant speculation of her performance,adjusting to whatever she never desired,having occasional altercations and quite rarely a moment to genuinely smile.
She struggles , with herself , to make her life worth something,the mundane depresses her yet she survives to make something out of it and when she cannot get things any better,she fantasizes .She has learnt to let go of everything she held dear at one point as she is growing ,she is maturing ,she believes not everything is meant to be ,not every girl deserves to be a princess with a tiara.
In the process of gaining her self worth she loses it all sometimes,life takes a toll on her ,luck becomes her nemesis ,all efforts forlorn .She believes in prayers ,she believes in miracles and yet agnostic at moments.She cries often ,all the articles on women succeeding makes her loathe herself more,she decides to call it quit then she looks into the eyes of her parents,she believes again and musters the courage to live .
She never loved herself and then one fine day when she realizes that everything is transient and superficial,having being hurt enough ,having been disappointed enough she puts on her JBL and does what she does best,dance.She dances under the starry sky cherishing that little moment .She dances for herself like nobody is watching,she does something for herself ,she feels for herself ,that abandoned self ,the often rejected one starts loving herself. She does not care for unanswered blue ticks , neither to non-closures ,she believes again . She takes out her phone and buys that sexy black dress that she thought of wearing to her magical date with the person she loved which never happened . Not because she believes that she might get a chance to wear the dress again,to be in her fantasy world, to be swept off her feet, to be loved without conditions but for herself,to look pretty,to feel beautiful for herself.In her sheer eloquence she shows up to a random meeting in that lovely piece of garment , just to feel empowered , just to experience the admirable glance of many and also to relish the envy of few. With no expectations,when their eyes met , she became a queen in his arms that day.


  1. Awesome stay Awesome as always :-)

  2. Dancing like no one is watching... Reminded me a bit from "The witch of Portobello" by Mr. Coelho.

    Good decision buying the dress. We should all do what our heart desires. For ourselves if that someone special never shows up.


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